How Have Closed Borders Impacted International Business?

As international lawyers who have born witness to numerous shifts and adjustments during our careers, my partners and I certainly expected that of all things brought on by the coronavirus, closed borders would result in restricted business. International business requires a level of movement and flexibility for companies to function appropriately and successfully. Of course,...

IRS Issues Guidance On Deferral Of Employee Social Security Taxes

If you are the owner of a staffing firm considering a sale of your company or a first-time buyer, you may never have heard of Representations and Warranties Insurance (RWI). However, experienced buyers, sellers and M&A professionals know RWI is a frequently used tool for facilitating transactions that can benefit both buyers and sellers.

10 Hot Stocks To Buy As The Coronavirus Gets Ugly Again

In the immediate aftermath of the novel coronavirus’ first assault, most investors scrambled for cover, resulting in sharp, extreme volatility. Sentiment bounced back quickly, though, in part due to strong government leadership. But with political divisiveness now the order of the day along with a rise in coronavirus cases, the case for hot stocks to...

Are The U.S. And China Tensions Affecting Business?

For the past three years, the trade war between the U.S. and China has placed economic stress on the two economic powerhouse countries. However, the trade pact that the two countries reached in January 2020 seemed to alleviate some of that pressure and even hinted that economic and political tensions might be on a path...

Public Company’s Financial Reporting Requirement Relating To Acquisitions

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) believes that it is in the public interest for companies (“U.S. Public Companies”) with reporting obligations under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “1934 Act”), that undertake material acquisitions to disclose those acquisitions to the public. The information to be disclosed would include, among...

New York Enacts Statewide Sick Leave Law

If you are the owner of a staffing firm considering a sale of your company or a first-time buyer, you may never have heard of Representations and Warranties Insurance (RWI). However, experienced buyers, sellers and M&A professionals know RWI is a frequently used tool for facilitating transactions that can benefit both buyers and sellers.

The 10 Top Stocks To Buy And Hold Into 2021

With so much of the news centered on the novel coronavirus, it’s hard to think about anything else. But as difficult as it is to conceptualize at the moment, there is life after corona. Thus, astute investors should consider potential top stocks to buy for 2021 and the years beyond that. Given this long-term framework,...

New York State Issues Reopening Requirements And Guidance For Office-Based Work

As part of its “New York Forward” reopening plan1 for “Phase II” businesses, New York State authorized office-based businesses (other than medical offices) to reopen on June 22, 2020; provided they meet certain “minimum” requirements in light of COVID-19. These requirements must be met for office-based businesses to reopen, as well as by office-based businesses that have already reopened. They are in addition to requirements of the New York State Department of Health (“DOH”) and applicable federal requirements (such as from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (“OSHA”)).

Analysis Of New Nasdaq Rules Impacting Chinese Issuers

赴美上市中国公司在IPO市场规范化过程中的机遇解读 —-解析纳斯达克新规,外国公司担责法案,新冠疫情下法律义务履行 2020年上半年,新冠疫情,瑞幸事件,纳斯达克新规出台等新闻导致媒体舆论不断,众说纷纭中,在美上市中国公司及欲赴美上市中国公司对公司在美发展前景产生各色各样的疑惑或忧虑。本文聚焦纳斯达克出台新规,对新规内容及影响群体进行多角度深入分析,以期对相关赴美上市中国公司的发展前景提供参考和帮助

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